News Blast
Soda Sales Continue to Fall
According to The Wall Street Journal, Americans have been drinking less carbonated soft drinks for more than a decade now. Even diet soda drinks sales are falling off rapidly. Sales of soda are slowing across the globe brought about by concerns about sugar intake and resultant health issues.
The trends are industrywide, but it is especially bad news for manufacturers of sweetened carbonated soft drinks. According to Tom Pirko, an industry consultant at Bevmark LLC, "Sugar water with bubbles is not the future of the world." His sentiments are supported by a growing number of industry analysts who suggest that manufacturers should spend less to advertise cola and more to diversify aggressively through acquisitions of companies that provide healthy alternatives.

In the near future, some of the major soft drink players plan on boosting advertising, introducing new products and ad campaigns, hoping that declining sales are an anomaly, but they are probably the trend for the long-term.
So, you’ll be seeing a lot of advertising for carbonated soft drinks, while Restaurant Tea Service is adding more vehicles and drivers to meet your increasing needs for coffees, teas and specialty beverages. That works for all of us!