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Iced Coffee Is Hot-Hot Right Now! Join the Cold Brew Coffee Revolution

Is it time to put your coffee maker in storage? While the idea may send some coffee-lovers reeling, researchers say that new findings may lead many to put down their beloved cup of joe for a slightly cooler substitute. Recent studies have shown that a refreshing cup of cold brew offers the same benefits as hot coffee, without the acidity associated with the warmer beverage.

Cold brew, which is brewed by steeping ground coffee in room temperature water for 12-24 hours, offers the same health benefits as traditional hot coffee, says nutrition expert Frank Hu of Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Benefits include decreased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, neurodegenerative disorders, colon cancer, Parkinson’s disease and more.

Additionally, cold brew is less acidic than hot coffee, partially due to the temperature at which it is brewed. Brewing coffee at room temperature limits the amount of acids released from the coffee grounds, which are most easily extracted between 195-205 degrees Fahrenheit. The cold brew method thus results in coffee that is smoother and less acerbic than that of a traditional cup of hot java. Lower pH levels can prevent help the acid reflex and discomfort often associated with hot coffee. Avid cold brew drinkers may even find that they can shave calories off their daily intake– many find they use less cream and sugar, which are often used to mask the more bitter taste of hot coffee.

Ready to take the plunge and switch to cold brew? Luckily, the brew process is simple. Using a paper or cloth filter, simply steep ground coffee in water for 12 hours or more at room temperature. (You can store your mixture in the fridge while it brews, but the lower temperature means that it will require more time to produce a strong, robust flavor.) After steeping, strain the coffee and store in the refrigerator. It will keep fresh for up to one week, so you can brew up big batches at one time.

For fans of drip coffee, you can achieve a similar effect with the cold drip method. Cold water is slowly dripped over a bed of coffee for up to 24 hours, depending on the recipe and the drinker’s taste preference. Cold drip requires special equipment to slowly trickle water into the coffee grounds.

Cold brew can also be cost- and time-efficient for cafes and restaurants. Because it can be brewed and stored in large quantities, cold brew presents the perfect solution for those looking for a hassle-free beverage to offer customers.

If you would like to join the “Cold Brew Coffee Revolution” contact Restaurant Tea Service Inc and we will be happy to schedule a demonstration on how easy and profitable cold brew coffee can be.